Monday, July 16, 2012

How I Unlock iPhone 3G 4.2.1 BB 05.15.04 Using iPad Baseband and Ultrasn0w

iPhone Unlock Andy McGee 13.07.2012
If you did something right you might want to share your success with others. That is what I want to do here. I know how to unlock iPhone 3G 4.2.1 baseband 05.15.04 and I’ll show here how to perform it.
Some my old friend asked me to unlock his iPhone and I agreed. The first thing I did  I checked the baseband and it was 05.15.04 and the firmware was iOS 4.2.1. It has become clear to me what to do next.
unlock iphone 3g 4.2.1 baseband 05.15.04
There are three actions that you must to perform to unlock iPhone 3G 4.2.1 baseband 05.15.04:
  1. Download iOS 4.2.1.firmware.
  2. Update 05.15.04 to 06.15.00 (iPad baseband) using latest Redsn0w.
  3. Downgrade iPad baseband to 05.13.04 using the same Redsn0w.
  4. Unlock 05.13.04 using latest Ultrasn0w.
Let’s do it one by one.

How to Unlock iPhone 3G 4.2.1 baseband 05.15.04

Note: Before we start you must be sure that your iPhone is jailbroken.
Step 1. Download iOS 4.2.1 ipsw file here.
Step 2. Download latest Redsn0w which is now 0.9.14b2.
Step 3. Extract and Open Redsnow. Note: If you are Windows user open it as Administrator.
Step 4. Go to Extras => Select IPSW and choose your downloaded file in the first step.
Step 5. After Redsn0w detects your firmware click Back and then jailbreak. Wait till it will ask you to Turn off iPhone and connect it to the Mac or PC. So do this using Slide to power off option.
Step 6. Now you need to enter DFU, so if you fill strong in this just click Next and follow on screen instructions. But if you need help in this you can use this link that will help you.
Also if you have your Home or/and Power buttons broken you can go here to enter DFU mode automatically.
Step 7. Now you will see a list of options. All you need to do is to uncheck all off then and select only Instal iPad baseband which is need to unlock iPhone 3G 4.2.1 baseband 05.15.04.
Step 8. Now just wait and watch how Redsn0w doing his work.
Step 9. Now wait when your iPhone will reboot and check your baseband Settings => General => About.
If it is 06.15.00 you can be sure that you have just successfully update your baseband.
Now the most interesting. You can choose to retain iPad baseband because now you can use Ultrasn0w to unlock iPhone 3G 4.2.1 baseband 05.15.04.
ultrasn0w 1.2.7 unlock
But there is better way to downgrade iPad baseband to 05.13.04 which is 100% unlockable. To perform it follow steps below which is the same as in the first part of this tutorial:
Step 1. Open Redsn0w and go to Extras => Select IPSW and choose iOS 4.2.1 file which is saved on your computer.
Step 2. Click Jailbreak, turn your iPhone off and connect to Mac or PC.
Step 3. Enter DFU mode.
Step 4. If you see list of options select only Downgrade iPad baseband and click Next.
Step 5. Wait till Redsn0w finishes the process and reboot your iPhone.
Now just check which baseband you have now. It is great if it is now 05.13.04! If not then just use this link that contains more information about 06.15.00 downgrade.
As for me, first I got No WiFi, No Bluetooth, No baseband so I started from the beginning again. First I updated iPhone 3G to iPad baseband then downgraded it to that baseband which I needed. And it was successfully.
Now it is the last thing to do.

Unlock iPhone 3G iOS 4.2.1 On Baseband 05.15.04

Step 1. Remove your Sim card, open Cydia and go to Search.
Step 2. Find Ultrasn0w which is 1.2.7 for the time writing.
Step 3. Install it and click Restart Springboard.
Step 4. Now put your Sim card in iPhone and wait till it connects to your network.
Note: If you will get No Service go here to fix it. Also you can you can use full tutorial guide how to use Ultrasn0w.
And that’s it. Now you can use your unlock iPhone 3G 4.2.1 baseband 05.15.04 without any problems. I hope to do this will be easy for you as it was for me. Tell me about it using comment below.

iPhone 5 Release August 7

iPhone 5 14.07.2012
More info on Apple’s smartphone iPhone 5 release August 7 - that’s a latest rumor all over Cupertino news world. Last year, Apple changed its settled update cycle of the most popular devices – the presentation of the new iPhone has been moved from the usual summer to autumn, namely in October. Common sense and general market trends suggest us that this year the new iPhone will be shown to the public in autumn, but with such an agreement it is not all.

iPhone 5 Release August 7
In particular, the resource Know Your Mobile, based on reports of their own sources close to the production lines of Apple, said that Cupertino guys plan to submit your iPhone 5 is the 7th of August, thus again changing the update cycle your device.
Of course, believe in that thing is such a difficulty - smartphone companies chosen a 12-month renewal cycle for a reason, and based on the rules of the operators that allow you to renew your contract phones subscribers only once a year. That buyers currently updating their contract-bound devices, brought into the treasury of a large part of the original Apple profits from the sales of new devices.
The August release will not allow owners to iPhone 4S with a contract to buy a iPhone 5 immediately after its release – and this is a huge purchasing base, which loss would be a serious blow for Apple.
Of course, Apple could simply introduce a new iPhone and delay release until October, but it is also unlikely, because there are no reasons for this. In general, early in October the iPhone 5 can be expected. That’s a right point from the marketing point of view. However, there’s info that Chinese company already started the iPhone 5 pre-orders.
Still iPhone 5 release August 7 makes not much sense but no one knows what to expect from Apple until the initial announcement happens. And who said the next company’s smartphone will be called iPhone 5?

How to Install Russian In-App Proxy Server And Purchase Apps For Free

Few hours ago I wrote you news that there is a method to install Russian in-app proxy server and download almost all apps absolutely for free.
Not long ago Russian developer (ZonD80) was decoded in-app purchases protocol for iOS applications and a couple of days ago he published a tutorial guide how to install Russian in-app proxy server and enjoy it for free.
install russian in-app proxy server
Attention! Neither the author of the post, not the developer do not encourage piracy of applications from the App Store. Use this service only for legally purchased applications, please.
It is something like Installous app. You can try any game or app you like for free and then buy it in the App Store. So let’s begin to install in-app proxy server but first read next.
Common Information
  • Service is free.
  • The method works with devices without jailbreak.
  • The project is on beta stage, there may be errors in the work. I recommend to contact the developer in this case.
As to the developer:
  • Service will always work as long as Apple does not change the API In-App. Update: Read fresh news about that.
  • Service does not collect your passwords and any personal information.
Warning: But when you are connected to the server all your data (contacts, sms, photos e.t) can be used by the third person. Your data is not protected.
Please use the service only at the time of purchase using in-app proxy server. After the “purchase” you should change the DNS to yours.

How to Install In-App Proxy Server from ZonD80

To achieve the desired result you have to do two things:
Step 1. First you need to install 2 certificates so here are the links: Certificate 1 and then Certificate 2. Note: It is important to install the first and only then the second one.
install russian in-app proxy server 5
install in-app proxy server 3
Step 2. The second thing that you need to do is to change the DNS-server of Wi-Fi network to this address:
install russian in-app server
With EDGE/3G this is impossible without jailbreaking.
Step 3. Now just find the app you need and download it after installing in-app proxy server.
Attention! If you see a standard App Store’s message “Are you sure to purchase?”, it means that something went wrong and you need to try all steps again.
If all is well, this message will pop up on every “buy”:
free in-app purchases no jailbreak
You can go to developer’s web site and ask him your questions. If there are still some problems it can mean that the server is overloaded or Apple fix that exploit.
At this moment there is a complaint concerning in-app proxy server from Apple. So the developer is looking for another server, DNS may soon change. At the time of writing the post all works correctly.
So if everything goes right it means that you have successfully installed Russian in-app proxy server and can download a iPad and iPhone apps for free to try it before a purchase in the App Store.

Can I Unlock Baseband 04.11.08/04.12.01 On iPhone 4? | Roundup

iPhone Unlock Andy McGee 3.06.2012

After big release of Absinthe jailbreak all attention was turned on finding solution to unlock iPhone 4 baseband 04.11.08, 04.12.01. Many iPhone 4 users stuck on this notorious basebands and here you can read some fresh news about most popular unlocking methods.
A day before we wrote you about how to unlock 04.12.01 on iOS 5.1.1 using three different methods so you can try it if you wish.
unlock iPhone 4 baseband 04.11.08, 04.12.01
Here I gathered most popular unlocking solutions for these two basebands and you can use it if you have everything needed for unlocks. You can see below most popular unlocking solutions for iPhone 4 basebands 04.11.08, 04.12.01.
  • AT&T unlock
  • Gevey Sim or R-Sim unlock
  • SAM unlock
These three methods are most popular however it is not really easy to unlock 04.12.01, 04.11.08 basebands using them. First you need to use Absinthe tool to jailbreak your gadget and then you must fulfill all requirements needed during unlock. So let’s take a look at a small roundup about iPhone 4 unlock.

Popular Unlocking Solutions for iPhone 4 BB 04.11.08, 04.12.01

AT&T Unlock

Using this method is the best way to unlock your iPhone. If you unlock your device with AT&T your iPhone would be factory unlocked which means that you don’t need to worry about updating your iOS to the newest version. You will not lose your unlock even if your baseband will be updated too.
unlock AT&T iphone fast 2
This method is great even for those who have nothing common with AT&T. All you need is AT&T contract iPhone. You can have friends with it. Just go here and find out more on how to unlock basebands 04.11.08, 04.12.01 using AT&T contract.

Gevey Sim or R-Sim unlock

These Sim unlock methods have respectable past. Their Sim cards work great but these Sim cards can’t unlock iPhone 4 baseband 04.12.01 and 04.11.08. After Sam unlock release Gevey Sim and R-Sim began to sell their cards based on Sam unlock and when Apple fixed that bug their card didn’t work again. So don’t try to use it because you will have no results. But I think that Applenberry and R-Sim will find something new before release of free unlocking solution.

unlock iPhone 4

SAM Unlock

I think that all who was looking to unlock their iPhone 4 baseband 04.12.01, 04.11.08 knew about SAM unlock and its great performance. This unlock is based on bug which was found in Apple server and right after SAM release many hackers told that it wouldn’t last long and Apple would fix it so. So it happened.
The only way to unlock any iPhone using SAM is if you have saved your SAM activation ticket and only after that you can unlock your iPhone 4 with SAM. And there is no need to count on this method without activation ticket.
I hope I answered on your questions about these most popular methods to unlock basebands 04.11.08, 04.12.01. These basebands are the hardest to unlock and I’m sure that many hackers are trying to solve this problem. May be soon we will see some working solution from another infamous hacker like Loktar_Sun who developed SAM. Or we can rely on iPhone Dev team who can relax after Absinthe release and then throw all their forces to find working method to unlock iPhone 4 04.11.08, 04.12.01.