Friday, August 17, 2012

The Popular WhatsApp Messenger App Has Been Released For Windows Phone

You might have noticed that WhatsApp had leaked screenshots for a Windows Phone version of their multiplatform messaging app in a hidden section of their website. When we checked last week, the link to the app in the Windows Market Place was down. WhatsApp Messenger has once again returned to Windows Phone 7.5 (and up). Additionally, the icon for Windows Phone is back on the main page of WhatsApp‘s website, where it had previously been vacant.
WhatsApp Released For Windows Phone
WhatsApp is an messenging app that is intended to compete with SMS texts. The app is currently available on six platforms, including iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia S40, Symbian, and Windows Phone. WhatsApp has a number of advantages over traditional text messages, including the ability to send videos, share locations, and engage in goup chats. In addition, WhatsApp costs significantly less than a typical SMS; the first year is free on Windows Phone, afterwards WhatsApp is only $0.99 per year.
The advantage SMS messages have over WhatsApp is that they will work with virtually any cell phone, while WhatsApp only supports smart phones and tablets with their app installed. If your friend is using a “dumb phone” or an unsupported Smart Phone such as the Palm Pre, they will not even have a chance install WhatsApp, and any particular social app can only be as good as the number of people using it.
There are a couple good alternatives to WhatsApp to keep in mind: EveryMe is a meta-social network which can even send SMS messages to contacts without the app; Facebook Messenger is also a decent SMS replacement, as if you know somebody’s name, there’s a good chance you will be able to message them.
WhatsApp Released For Windows Phone
Download WhatsApp for iPhone – $0.99  [iTunes App Store]
Download WhatsApp for Android – $0.99 [WhatsApp]
Download WhatsApp for BlackBerry – $0.99 [BlackBerry App World]
Download WhatsApp for Nokia  -$0.99  [WhatsApp]
Download WhatsApp for Windows Phone – FREE [Windows Phone Market]
How do you send messages with your phone: SMS, chat, or another replacement? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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