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Love that new song you just heard? Want to use it as your alarm tone? Well, if you’re an iOS user unfortunately you can’t really do that! Setting a song from the Music app as an Alarm tone, or a Ringtone for that matter, isn’t possible in iOS. It’s just one of Apple’s limitations. That’s what a jailbreak is for and this new tweak lets you use any song from the Music app as your Alarm tone.
MyAlarm is a brand spanking new tweak for jailbroken iOS devices that enables the use of tracks
from the Music app for Alarm tones. The built in alarms do the job
pretty well, but what if you wanted to wake up to your favorite song.
With this tweak installed, you can do just that. Setup is really easy
and all you have to do is go to Settings
> MyAlarm and choose the song that you want to use as your alarm
tone. There are two options, one to choose the song and the other that
sets it as the alarm tone. Select the song that you want as your alarm
tone and hit the Set button.
MyAlarm is available for free in the BigBoss repo and it indeed works as told! P.S. Using your favorite song as your alarm tone can also make you hate the song, in certain cases.
When the iPhone 4S was first released and Siri was introduced it amazed a lot of people. Now, with the iPhone 4S Jailbroken,
developers are free to extend Siri’s functionality to their hearts
content and once again amaze people with the now endless list of
possibilities. Including new Siri actions, the ability to control more
functions of your iOS device with Siri and the ability to create your own custom Siri commands.
Are you looking for Cydia tweaks to modify and extend the functionality of Siri on your iPhone 4S or other iOS device with Spire installed? Well, if you are then you will be glad to know this page is dedicated to the most noteworthy Siri tweaks that are available. It is constantly updated with the latest Siri Cydia tweaks, and is one of the best resources on the Internet for Siri Cydia tweaks.
Hit the Facebook LIKE button if you would like to know the instant when new Siri Cydia tweaks and hacks are released.
Hands-Free Control
The Hands-Free Control Cydia tweak will allow you to activate your virtual personal assistant by simply speaking out loud “Siri”. The way this Cydia tweak works is by constantly listening for the voice command Siri
as a background process. Due to the fact that this Cydia tweak is
constantly running in the background it does have slight effects on your
battery life, but nothing too outrageous. Another neat feature to this
tweak is it allows Siri to prompt you with “Yes?” upon being activated.
The SiriToggles Cydia tweak is sort of like SBSettings for Siri. Upon installing SiriToggles you will be able to toggle numerous system-wide settings like Airplane
Mode, WiFi and Cellular Data. Additionally you will be able to launch
applications, reduce the screen brightness and even check your battery
level. The Siri Toggles Cydia tweak will seriously extend the functionality of Siri!
The VoiceUtils Cydia tweak will very simply grant Siri the ability to reboot, restart SpringBoard, enter safe mode
and power off your iOS device. An additional feature this Cydia tweak
provides is the ability to launch applications. If you are just after
this feature, however, I would install the SiriToggles Cydia tweak
The Sireet Cydia tweak will allow you to tweet directly from Siri. My only gripe with this Cydia tweak
is that there is no confirm to send option. The reason I think there
should be such an option is due to the fact that occasionally Siri mispronounces words. Thus, it would be nice if I noticed an error I could stop Siri from tweeting that specific tweet and allow me to I re-say my tweet.
The Cydia tweak AssistantExtensions, gives Siri much more power than what it has now. It’s not just a tweak, but it is a framework that increases the possibilities of what can be done using Siri. The AssistanExtensions Cydia tweak is based upon MobileSubstrate and can be used to control a lot of things on your iPhone 4S.
For example you can tweet, launch apps, set the screen brightness,
generate random numbers, toggle system settings and so much more. If you
are looking to a Cydia tweak to combine the features of tweaks such as
SiriToggles, VoiceUtils and Sireet then AssistantExtensions is the tweak
for you!
The Lingual Cydia tweak allows you to translate words or phrases to over 30 different languages using Siri.
This is extremely useful if you are traveling abroad or simply are
dying to know how to say certain things in another language.
Custom Siri Background
The Custom Background Cydia tweak will allow you to go into the
Settings.app and select an image from your Photo Library or even take a
picture directly from the Camera.app to use as Siri’s new background.
Siri Mic Colors
The Siri Mic Colors Cydia tweak allows you to easily change the Siri mic icon that appears when you activate Siri. For example, you can change the boring old Siri mic icon to a green icon, a yellow icon, a red icon and even blue icon.
With your Jailbroken iPhone 4S you are now probably looking for some of the best Cydia tweaks to take advantage of! One Cydia tweak that we thought iPhone 4S users would want to take advantage of is the Siri Mic Colors Cydia tweak. This is because the Siri Mic Colors Cydia tweak allows you to easily change the Siri
mic icon that appears when you activate Siri. For example, you can
change the boring old Siri mic icon to a green icon, a yellow icon, a
red icon and even blue icon.
The neat aspect to the Siri Mic Colors Cydia tweak is that it will change the colour of your Siri mic icon to the tone of your voice; making almost a rainbow effect. If you would like to change your Siri mic icon’s colour to a static colour, however, you can install on of the individual colour Cydia tweaks. Are you ready to change your Siri mic icon colour? You will need to add the following repo through Cydia by going into the Manage Tab > Sources Section > Edit > Add.
When you add the repo shown above you will simply need to go into the repo’s page and you will see the available options to change your Siri mic icon. Did you change your Siri mic icon colour? Share your replies in the comments section below…
Note: You must activate your selected Siri Mic Color through WinterBoard before it will take effect.