After big release of Absinthe jailbreak all attention was turned on finding solution to unlock iPhone 4 baseband 04.11.08, 04.12.01. Many iPhone 4 users stuck on this notorious basebands and here you can read some fresh news about most popular unlocking methods.
A day before we wrote you about how to unlock 04.12.01 on iOS 5.1.1 using three different methods so you can try it if you wish.
Here I gathered most popular unlocking solutions for these two basebands and you can use it if you have everything needed for unlocks. You can see below most popular unlocking solutions for iPhone 4 basebands 04.11.08, 04.12.01.
- AT&T unlock
- Gevey Sim or R-Sim unlock
- SAM unlock
Popular Unlocking Solutions for iPhone 4 BB 04.11.08, 04.12.01
AT&T Unlock
Using this method is the best way to unlock your iPhone. If you unlock your device with AT&T your iPhone would be factory unlocked which means that you don’t need to worry about updating your iOS to the newest version. You will not lose your unlock even if your baseband will be updated too.This method is great even for those who have nothing common with AT&T. All you need is AT&T contract iPhone. You can have friends with it. Just go here and find out more on how to unlock basebands 04.11.08, 04.12.01 using AT&T contract.
Gevey Sim or R-Sim unlock
These Sim unlock methods have respectable past. Their Sim cards work great but these Sim cards can’t unlock iPhone 4 baseband 04.12.01 and 04.11.08. After Sam unlock release Gevey Sim and R-Sim began to sell their cards based on Sam unlock and when Apple fixed that bug their card didn’t work again. So don’t try to use it because you will have no results. But I think that Applenberry and R-Sim will find something new before release of free unlocking solution.SAM Unlock
I think that all who was looking to unlock their iPhone 4 baseband 04.12.01, 04.11.08 knew about SAM unlock and its great performance. This unlock is based on bug which was found in Apple server and right after SAM release many hackers told that it wouldn’t last long and Apple would fix it so. So it happened.The only way to unlock any iPhone using SAM is if you have saved your SAM activation ticket and only after that you can unlock your iPhone 4 with SAM. And there is no need to count on this method without activation ticket.
I hope I answered on your questions about these most popular methods to unlock basebands 04.11.08, 04.12.01. These basebands are the hardest to unlock and I’m sure that many hackers are trying to solve this problem. May be soon we will see some working solution from another infamous hacker like Loktar_Sun who developed SAM. Or we can rely on iPhone Dev team who can relax after Absinthe release and then throw all their forces to find working method to unlock iPhone 4 04.11.08, 04.12.01.
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