Thursday, July 26, 2012

Apple Will Reduce iPhone 5 Dock Connector to Smaller Size

iPhone 5 22.07.2012
Rumors that Apple will produce iPhone 5 smaller dock connector and refuse from the familiar to all iPhone, iPad and iPod users 30-pin connector. The hints began appearing in February of this year. The most probable cause of such a step by Apple company is to maximize the usable space inside the new iPhone. Also, in pictures of iPhone 5, which were leaked to the Web, it is seen very unusual hole where there is usually a 30-pin connector.
iphone 5 smaller dock connectorIf that is not enough for you to make sure that the potential change in the shape and size of iPhone 5 smaller dock connector is on the nose, then there is news about new patents owned by Apple and are called “Power adapters to power and / or charging peripherals. ” And in the description accompanying the patent, there were some interesting lines about iPhone 5 smaller dock connector.
Reducing the total number of connectors for peripheral devices will reduce the number of connectors and cables needed to operate the device. This in turn will reduce the size and cost of the product, as well improving the quality and usability of the device (due to fewer wires).
iPhone 5 smaller power port
This can be an excellent reason to abandon the usual wide 30-pin connector. That is why it is expected that this fall iPhone 5 will be released with the smaller dock connector for synchronizing and charging with your computer. Some sources say that it will be 19-pin connector.
Definitely sure, all of the above written is nothing more than speculation on the crumbs of information, which comes also from Cupertino company. In the autumn we will know for sure how much less will be the slot in the new iPhone, and how many pins it would lose. Meanwhile, manufacturers of accessories can gradually raise the panic.
How do you think: is iPhone 5 smaller dock connector true? Or there is just another rumor?

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